The Fourth Annual Meeting of the GISD Alliance will be held in the context of one of the hardest moments for the global economy. The accumulation of shocks hitting the global economy has severe consequences for the most vulnerable countries and groups in society. In this rapidly evolving global environment, new approaches are needed to scale up private finance and investment for the SDGs.
Members of the GISD Alliance will meet with the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General in a closed session moderated by Assistant Secretary-General Mr. Navid Hanif. Members of the GISD Alliance will then participate in a discussion with Member States moderated by Ms. Gillian Tett of the Financial Times.
Co-Chairs Ms. Leila Fourie (CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange) and Mr. Jose Vinals (Group Chairman of Standard Chartered) and Assistant Secretary-General Mr. Navid Hanif will brief the media as guests of the Spokesperson's Daily Briefing on the outcomes of the Annual Meeting.
Finally, a luncheon co-hosted by the UN Foundation will be held with invited guests from across the UN system, UN Member States, the GISD Alliance, and the wider business community.
Follow the Discussion with Member States and the Media Briefing live or on demand at https://media.un.org/en/webtv/.